Home Lemonades Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade Recipe

Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade Recipe

by Sandra
Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade Recipe

Picture this: you’re lounging in your backyard, the sun painting everything gold, and what you’ve got in your hand is not just any drink but a glass of Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade. Sounds like a slice of heaven. Well, buckle up because we’re about to take your taste buds on a delightful little journey, whipping up a concoction that’s bound to become your new go-to for those sweltering days when plain old water just won’t cut it.

How to make Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade

Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade is a refreshing beverage made by blending strawberry and lemon flavors. It’s often associated with Sutter Home Winery, which is primarily known for its wines but also offers a line of non-alcoholic beverages, including lemonades.


  • 1 bottle of Sutter Home White Zinfandel: This is the star of our show, folks. It’s bringing its A-game with those fruity vibes that blend oh-so-well with our next guests.
  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries: These red beauties are here to add some sweetness and make the drink pop with color. Plus, they’re good for you, so that’s a win-win!
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice: Pucker up, buttercup! Fresh is key here because it brings a zesty zing that you can’t get from the bottled stuff.
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (adjust based on your sweetness preference): Because what’s lemonade without a little sweetness to balance the tart?
  • 2 cups of cold water: Mix it all together and make it refreshingly sippable.
  • Ice: Because no one ever raved about a lukewarm cocktail.
  • Mint leaves or strawberry slices for garnish: Because we’re fancy like that.

Mixing It Up:

  1. Prep Your Strawberries: Give those strawberries a good rinse, then hull and halve them. If you’re feeling fancy, save a few for garnish because nothing says “I’ve got my life together” like a thoughtfully garnished drink.
  2. Strawberry Puree To Die For: Toss those halved strawberries into a blender and blitz them into a fine puree. You’re aiming for smooth and luscious, like the perfect summer day.
  3. Let’s Mix: Grab yourself a pitcher – the kind that screams summer fun. Combine your strawberry puree, fresh lemon juice, sugar, and water. Stir, stir, stir until the sugar has dissolved and everything’s looking friendly in there.
  4. The Main Event – Sutter Home White Zinfandel: Slowly pour the bottle of Sutter Home into the mix. Do it with flair; this is your moment to shine. Stir gently to welcome it to the party.
  5. Chill Time: Toss in a bunch of ice to make this concoction nice and cold. Nobody’s here for a room-temperature beverage.
  6. Garnish Like a Pro: Grab those mint leaves or strawberry slices and adorn your glasses. It’s all about the presentation, after all.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: Pour your masterpiece into glasses, clink with a friend, and savor the fruit of your labor. Ah, sweet success!

Pro Tips for Maximum Enjoyment

  • Chill Your Glasses: Pop those glasses in the fridge for a bit before serving. It’s all about keeping things cool.
  • Adjust the Sweetness: Everyone’s sweet tooth is different, so feel free to play with the sugar levels. You do you!
  • Get Creative: Once you’ve mastered the original recipe, why not experiment? Add a splash of soda for a fizzy twist, or maybe a bit of ginger for a spicy kick. The world is your strawberry-filled oyster.

What to serve with

Ready to pair that fabulously refreshing glass of Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade with some bites that’ll elevate your snack game to legendary status?

1. Cheese

Let’s kick things off with cheese – because, honestly, when has cheese ever led us astray? Opt for a dreamy, creamy goat cheese or a beautifully aged cheddar. These cheeses have a knack for harmonizing with the sweet and tart profiles of our star drink. Throw in some crackers, and you’ve got yourself a pairing that’ll make your heart sing.

2. Seafood Sensations

Think about it: a warm, sunny day, a cool, inviting glass of Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade, and a plate of succulent grilled shrimp or a classic shrimp cocktail. Seafood, with its sweet and tender charm, plays oh-so-nicely with the zesty, fruity notes of your drink. It’s like they were meant to be.

3. Chicken for the Win

Grilled chicken skewers or a light and zesty chicken salad? Yes, please! The lemon in our drink absolutely loves hanging out with its pal, chicken. Marinate your chicken in herbs and a touch of lemon to make this duo an unstoppable force of deliciousness.

4. Veggie Delight

For our plant-loving pals, fear not! We’ve got delicious options that’ll tickle your fancy. Think fresh salads with a balsamic drizzle or grilled veggie kabobs. These fresh flavors complement the strawberry lemonade in a way that’ll make you wonder why you didn’t invite them to the party sooner.

5. Finger Food Frenzy

Now, if you’re hosting a shindig or just feeling snacky, finger foods are your best friends. Mini sliders, bruschetta with a balsamic glaze, or fancy pinwheel sandwiches can turn your drinking experience into a full-on feast. Easy to pick up and chock-full of flavors that vibe with your drink, these are sure to be a hit.

6. Something Sweet

We can’t wrap this up without talking sweets, treat lovers! A fruity pavlova, lemon bars, or even a simple bowl of fresh berries with whipped cream are just what the doctor ordered to complement your strawberry lemonade’s sweet side. It’s like they were made for each other – a match made in dessert heaven.

Ingredients Substitutes

Strawberry Lemonade Sutter Home

Facing the classic problem of being halfway through your recipe prep and realizing you’re out of something critical? Fear not, because I’ve got your back with an expensive list of swapsies for your Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade concoction.

Strawberry Substitutes

Ran out of strawberries or just looking to shake things up? Blueberries or raspberries can jump in as your understudy. They’ll bring their unique zest and zing while keeping those fruity, sweet, tart vibes alive and kicking. Your taste buds won’t know what hit them, but they’ll love the twist.


Alright, you opened the fridge, and those lemons you thought you had have gone AWOL. No panic needed. Grab some lime juice instead. It’ll add a slightly different, but equally refreshing, tang to your lemonade. Bonus points: it might just make your drink the talk of the town with its unique twist.

Subs for Your Sutter Home:

So, you’re fresh out of Sutter Home White Zinfandel? No stress. Any light, fruity white wine will do the trick. Think Pinot Grigio or even a Sauvignon Blanc. The key here is to stay on the light and fruity side of the vineyard to keep the vibe of your drink in harmony with the original vision.


Sugar acts as the peacekeeper between sweet and sour, but if you’re out or just looking for alternatives, honey or agave nectar can step up. They’re a tad more gourmet and can add a subtle, complex sweetness to your lemonade that sugar might shy away from. Just remember, they’re sweeter than sugar, so start small and adjust to taste.


Plain old water is the unsung hero of many a recipe, but here’s where you get to jazz things up if you’re feeling adventurous. Sparkling water or even plain soda water can bring a fun, fizzy personality to your lemonade that’s bound to have everyone asking for refills.


No mint or strawberry slices for that garnish glam shot? No worries. Get creative with what’s on hand. A sprig of rosemary or basil can add an aromatic allure that’s unexpectedly delightful. Or slice up some oranges or lemons for a citrusy crown that’s sure to impress.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, folks – a recipe for Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade that’s as easy as pie but, let’s be honest, way more refreshing on a hot day. 

More Lemonade Recipes:

Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade Recipe

Sutter Home Strawberry Lemonade

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 110 calories 0 gram fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 1 bottle of Sutter Home White Zinfandel: This is the star of our show, folks. It's bringing its A-game with those fruity vibes that blend oh-so-well with our next guests.
  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries: These red beauties are here to add some sweetness and make the drink pop with color. Plus, they're good for you, so that's a win-win!
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice: Pucker up, buttercup! Fresh is key here because it brings a zesty zing that you can't get from the bottled stuff.
  • 1/2 cup of sugar (adjust based on your sweetness preference): Because what's lemonade without a little sweetness to balance the tart?
  • 2 cups of cold water: Mix it all together and make it refreshingly sippable.
  • Ice: Because no one ever raved about a lukewarm cocktail.
  • Mint leaves or strawberry slices for garnish: Because we're fancy like that.


  1. Prep Your Strawberries: Give those strawberries a good rinse, then hull and halve them. If you're feeling fancy, save a few for garnish because nothing says "I've got my life together" like a thoughtfully garnished drink.
  2. Strawberry Puree To Die For: Toss those halved strawberries into a blender and blitz them into a fine puree. You're aiming for smooth and luscious, like the perfect summer day.
  3. Let's Mix: Grab yourself a pitcher - the kind that screams summer fun. Combine your strawberry puree, fresh lemon juice, sugar, and water. Stir, stir, stir until the sugar has dissolved and everything's looking friendly in there.
  4. The Main Event - Sutter Home White Zinfandel: Slowly pour the bottle of Sutter Home into the mix. Do it with flair; this is your moment to shine. Stir gently to welcome it to the party.
  5. Chill Time: Toss in a bunch of ice to make this concoction nice and cold. Nobody's here for a room-temperature beverage.
  6. Garnish Like a Pro: Grab those mint leaves or strawberry slices and adorn your glasses. It's all about the presentation, after all.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: Pour your masterpiece into glasses, clink with a friend, and savor the fruit of your labor. Ah, sweet success!

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